Calcium Deficiency Signs: Symptoms to Look Out For Including Anxiety

Calcium Deficiency Signs and Symptoms



London: CALCIUM deficiency can increase your risk of teeth cavities, broken bones, osteoporosis, and even heart failure. It’s one of the most important nutrients, but often you don’t know you’re lacking in it until it’s too late. Calcium is one of the most important nutrients for a healthy body.



In fact, it makes up to two percent of an adult’s body weight, mostly in bones and teeth, but also in blood and muscles. It’s an all-rounder – the mineral is needed to keep our hearts beating and our brain functioning normally.

Calcium Deficiency Signs and Symptoms

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As it’s so important, if you don’t get enough in your diet, your body will take it from your bones.


NHS guidelines state:

“This is just like taking money out of the cashpoint without checking your account balance – you may not know until it is gone.” For this reason, the first sign of a lack of calcium could be the loss of a tooth or a broken bone.

One of the problems with a shortfall in calcium is that people often don’t realize they’re lacking in the mineral until they’ve got a full-blown deficiency, called Hypocalcemia. As we age, our body’s ability to absorb calcium decreases, making it even more important to ensure you are getting enough calcium-rich foods in your diet.



Food sources include dairy products, broccoli, poppy seeds, almonds, tofu, canned sardines, and fortified foods such as bread, breakfast cereals, or juice. Sufferers should also consider taking calcium supplements. So what are some of the symptoms of calcium deficiency?

Anxiety and irritability:

If you’re feeling anxious, lethargic, depressed, or irritable, a lack of calcium could be the cause. An overall change in your sense of wellbeing, even a subtle change, could signal nutritional deficiencies and it could be a sign that you need to up your calcium intake.

Tingling or numbness:

If you notice tingling or numbness in your fingers, toes, or lips, it could be a sign that you need to up your calcium. A burning sensation around the mouth or facial spasms could be signs of an acute deficiency, according to the NHS.


Heart palpitations:

Calcium is needed to regulate muscle contractions, including the most important muscle, the heart. The nutrient is needed in order for the body to send signals to the heart muscles to pump blood around the body. If you are deficient, it can upset these signals and lead to abnormal heart rhythms.

Symptoms include a fluttering heart, feeling as if you’ve missed a beat, or a heart beating too fast. Extreme calcium deficiency can even lead to heart failure, as the heart muscles become less efficient at contracting and pumping blood. via express co UK

Calcium Deficiency Signs and Symptoms