Simple Foods That Increase Sperm Count and Fertility




London: Diet and nutrition are essential factors in getting your body ready for making a baby, but what male partners consume in the months before conception matters significantly, too. Fertility foods aren’t just for women certain foods could increase sperm count and quality, along with other foods men should aim to avoid when they’re trying to conceive. Men are found to contribute to almost 50% of all cases of infertility.



A man is considered to have a low sperm count if he has fewer than 39 million sperm per ejaculation. It still sounds like a lot, but considering how far sperm have to travel, it’s not that many. It’s important for men trying to conceive to evaluate their diet so it won’t interfere with their chances of conceiving. It’s also good to know that any dietary changes should be put in place at least three months in advance of your ideal conception date, as it takes three months for sperm to reach maturation.

Male Fertility Booster Food

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Be sure to discuss any fertility concerns with your doctor, but looking at what’s on both partners’ plates can contribute to overall man health and fertility. If you’re looking to boost sperm count and fertility while trying to conceive, make sure your partner knows about these foods.


Oysters and pumpkin seeds:

Both oysters (and other forms of shellfish) and pumpkin seeds are naturally very high in zinc, which is one of the best minerals for male fertility—and man’s reproductive health in general. Zinc is involved in boosting testosterone levels, as well as improving sperm motility and sperm count.

It’s essential for sperm function and is known as a hormone balancer, while also protecting against heavy metals and cigarette toxins. Oysters are also heralded as an aphrodisiac (so maybe a date out for oysters is in order?).




One kiwi contains almost the total daily recommended value of vitamin C for men. Studies have shown oral supplementation of vitamin C improves sperm motility, count, and morphology. Other foods that contain vitamin C include red peppers, citrus fruits, tomatoes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage.

Dark green and leafy vegetables:

Folate (also known as the food form of vitamin B9, or folic acid), which is found in abundance in spinach, kale, romaine lettuce, Brussels sprouts, and asparagus, can help produce strong, healthy sperm.

Dark chocolate:

Swap any milk chocolate for the dark variety, which contains arginine, an amino acid, to boost intake. Supplementation of arginine may improve sperm count and quality over time.


Salmon and sardines:

The omega-3 fatty acids found in high amounts in fish—especially salmon, mackerel, anchovies, herring, and sardines—may help improve the quality and quantity of sperm. For a vegan/plant-based option, try adding chia seeds and ground flaxseeds to smoothies or sprinkling on plant-based yogurt.

Brazil Nuts:

The selenium found in Brazil nuts may help increase sperm motility, especially when combined with vitamin E. Selenium is a trace mineral that’s often lacking in Americans’ diets, so supplementation may be helpful.


Staying hydrated is crucial for optimal health; water also helps create healthy seminal fluid.

Maca Root:

The powder from this Peruvian root has a long-standing reputation as a natural libido booster. That hasn’t been definitively proven, but some research has shown that maca powder increases sperm concentration and motility. If your partner wants to try this nutty-tasting powder, he can sprinkle some in oatmeal and smoothies, or add a bit when making pancakes, waffles, and other goodies.

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