How to Get Rid Of Lizard: Ghar Se Chipkali Bhagane Ka Tarika

How to Get Rid Of Lizard: Ghar Se Chipkali Bhagane Ka Tarika



House geckos also known as common house lizards (Chipkali in Urdu and Hindi) are often found indoors. Lizard or Chipkali are common visitors in our homes. While they help control pesky insects, their presence can still be unsettling. These Lizards like warm places and often choose spots like kitchens, bathrooms, and bedrooms to live in.



Fortunately, there are effective ways (Chipkali Bhagane Ka Tarika) to manage this situation without causing harm to the lizards or resorting to harsh chemicals. If you’re not a fan of these reptile roommates, you’re not alone. Let’s explore some friendly ways to keep them out without resorting to harmful measures.

Ghar Se Chipkali Bhagane Ka Tarika (Urdu)








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How to Get Rid Of Lizard

Natural Approaches to Keep Lizards Away

Garlic Odor: Lizards don’t like the smell of garlic. Placing garlic cloves near a small fan can help spread the scent across the room, making the lizards want to stay away.

Ventilate Cabinets: Regularly airing out cabinets, especially those beneath sinks, helps create an unfriendly environment for lizards. Keeping these areas dry not only deters lizards but also prevents wood damage.

Naphthalene Balls: These balls not only repel lizards but also many other bugs. Just be cautious to keep them out of reach of children.

Eggshells: Lizards dislike the scent of eggshells. Put eggshells in places where you often see lizards. The egg aroma will keep them at a distance.

Pepper Spray: A homemade pepper spray made from crushed black pepper and water can create a mild burning sensation on lizards’ skin, discouraging them from staying around.

Proper Food Disposal: Lizards are attracted to exposed food, which also attracts flies and ants. Keeping food properly stored and not leaving leftovers lying around can reduce their food source.

Getting rid of lizards at home doesn’t mean harming them. These simple methods and home remedies offer humane ways to encourage lizards to find a new home without causing them harm or using toxic substances. By using garlic, eggshells, and other natural solutions, you can create an environment that lizards won’t find inviting. With these tips, you’ll be able to coexist with these reptiles in a way that suits both you and them.