Hair Loss Treatment: Honey Can Increase Hair Growth and Stop Hair Loss, Study

Hair Loss Treatment



London: HAIR loss treatment could be as simple as a walk to the kitchen and raiding the cupboards. According to studies, using this popular ingredient could help to increase hair growth. Hair loss treatments are about as varied as the mechanisms that give rise to it in the first place.



There are many causes of hair loss, some of which are temporary, such as a response to stressful situations. Others are permanent, such as pattern baldness, which usually runs in the family.








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According to studies, using honey as a treatment could help to increase both hair growth and hair health. Most of us think of honey as an alternative sweetener helping to contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

According to studies, however, spreading this sticky, sweet substance throughout your hair could provide additional hair benefits. Honey is a great ingredient for boosting one’s hair growth and promoting healthier-looking hair. How?

In a study published in the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health, evidence for clinical use of honey was investigated.

The study noted: “Honey has anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. “It can be used as a wound dressing to promote rapid and improved healing. “These effects are due to honey’s antibacterial action, secondary to its high acidity, osmotic effect, antioxidant content, and hydrogen peroxide content.

“Honey has almost equal or slightly superior effects when compared with conventional treatments for acute wounds and superficial partial-thickness burns. “More randomized controlled trials with significant statistical power comparing different kinds of honey, are required in order to create a strong body of evidence towards definite recommendations for medical use.”

The study concluded that honey could promote the growth of epithelial (skin) cells. The scalp is full of epithelial cells that make up the many follicles and ducts so important for hair growth. Honey has rich antioxidant properties that prevent damage, keeping the scalp and hair healthy.

It’s an emollient, which means it is capable of softening and soothing, sealing moisture in the hair, and keeping it conditioned. This reduces breakage, which is often a cause for slower hair growth. Honey also comprises antibacterial and antiseptic qualities which help to prevent scalp infections and soothe issues like dandruff, eczema, and psoriasis, allowing for unhindered hair growth.

The use of honey to increase hair growth and health lies in its ingredients which strengthen the hair follicles, which helps curb hair fallout. Hair sheds daily as a part of the natural growth cycle, said Healthline.

The site continued: “However, some people find that their hair sheds more than normal. “If you’re losing more hair than you’re comfortable with, reach out to your doctor to find out the cause. Sometimes it can be as simple as having damaged hair. “If your hair is damaged and needs some TLC, consider all the benefits that honey has to offer.”