London: More than 45 percent of healthy adults snore while sleeping, however, the majority of those people would like to know how to stop snoring naturally and permanently. Getting someone to stop snoring can also prove to be a difficult task and can cause arguments, with some couples being forced to sleep in separate bedrooms. Research has revealed that 75 percent of those who snore have obstructive sleep apnea, which could increase the risk of developing heart disease in the future.
Why We Snore? Snoring occurs at all ages and both men and women can be affected. During sleep your tongue falls backward, your throat muscles relax, and your throat becomes narrow. The walls of the throat begin to vibrate as you breathe, which causes the sound of snoring. The narrower your airway becomes during sleep, the louder you snore.
Stop Snoring While Sleeping
How to stop snoring naturally?
Snoring can be minimized or stopped in a number of ways and some of the ways this can be done are listed below:
>> Sleeping on your side stops the base of your tongue and soft palate from collapsing to the back wall of your throat that usually happens when you sleep on your back. This usually results in a vibrating sound when a person is asleep. If sleeping on your side is difficult, a body pillow or taping tennis balls to the back of your pajamas can be a quick and cheap solution.
>> Losing weight can help people who have recently gained weight and have started to snore as a result. Thin people do snore, but weight gain can occasionally squeeze the diameter of the throat, again causing it to collapse during sleep.
>> Lack of sleep can also play a significant part in the increase of snoring as, when an overtired person goes into a deep sleep, muscles become floppier. Opening nasal passages can also help minimize snoring if you have a cold or if your nose is blocked for other reasons. A hot shower, a neti pot, or nasal strips can help clear passages before bed.
>> Replacing pillows can reduce allergens and dust mites that are present in the bedroom that may be contributing to snoring. Pets can also result in animal dander being breathed in which is another common irritant.
>> Drinking water can stop the secretions in your nose and soft palate from becoming sticky when you are dehydrated, so ensuring you are having enough water each day can help stop snoring.
How to stop snoring permanently:
If none of the natural or home remedies for snoring are effective, after discussing with a doctor, surgery may be occasionally offered. In the UK, snoring surgery is not widely available on the NHS because it may not work and snoring can come back afterward.
How to stop sleep apnea:
Sleep apnea or obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a long-term condition and may require lifelong treatment for people who suffer from it. In most cases, this would mean losing weight, stopping smoking, limiting alcohol consumption, and avoiding sedation and sleeping tablets, as well as sleeping on your side instead of your back.
Occasionally, people with moderate to severe OSA may have to use a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device, which is a small pump that provides a continuous supply of compressed air through a mask that covers the nose and/or the mouth.
Another treatment method is the mandibular advancement device (MAD) which is a dental appliance similar to a gum shield. It is worn over your teeth when you are asleep and aims to hold the jaw and tongue forward to increase the space at the back of the throat.
Surgery may also be considered as a last resort in addition to soft palate implants that make part of the roof of the mouth stiffer and less likely to vibrate. dailymail