Lose Weight Fast: Easy Suppers That Can Help You Lose Up to a Stone



London: Now the days are longer and warmer, it’s so much easier to be active outdoors and adding exercise to your life will boost your summer weight loss. That’s why the Mail has teamed up with WW, formerly known as Weight Watchers, to help guide you to a healthier and happier lifestyle in time for the summer holidays — and well beyond.



On Saturday in Weekend magazine, we showed you how the WW Freestyle plan works, along with the foods you can eat with zero guilt, while yesterday’s Mail on Sunday featured more delicious recipes to help you achieve your weight-loss and fitness goals.

Lose Weight Fast with Easy Suppers

Eating Prunes Can Help Extra Weight Loss



weight loss



Today, we’re bringing you essential exercise tips, and simple recipes for easy suppers, plus don’t miss our pullouts tomorrow and on Wednesday for more recipes for delicious party food and picnics. Research shows a combination of healthy eating and a more active lifestyle can cause you to lose 20 percent more weight than by diet alone.


An active lifestyle also helps you to feel more favorable due to the ‘feel-good’ chemicals released in your brain when you exercise. It is why exercise is a key part of the WW Freestyle program, along with the flexible SmartPoints eating plan (see panel overleaf) and mindset techniques.

‘Now the evenings are lighter and longer why not spend 20 minutes outside taking a brisk walk — take time to look at the blossom and the way the trees are changing?’ says Julia Westgarth, head of the program at WW. ‘It’s so much better for your mindset and physical health than flopping in front of the TV.



‘The word exercise frightens some people — who instinctively see it as a painful duty to be endured. Try thinking of it as having fun being active outdoors and you’re much more likely to spend time doing it.’

Golden rules of running: Running forces your heart and lungs to work harder than when walking, improving your cardiovascular fitness. It is a great way to burn calories, too — and how many you burn will depend on how much you weigh.

A person weighing 140 lb (10 stone) will burn roughly 318 calories in 30 minutes running at a ten-minute mile pace (about six miles an hour). Someone weighing 180lb (12st 9lb) will burn 408 calories running at the same pace for the same time.


Invest in proper running shoes to reduce the risk of injury. Women should also wear a well-fitting sports bra.
Be aware of your posture: run upright with your arms swinging gently at your sides and your hands relaxed.

Always stretch after running. Stretch out your thighs, hamstrings, hips, lower back, bottom and calves.

To increase fitness and pace, try simple interval training. Run slightly slower for 60 seconds, then faster than normal for a further 60. Then repeat up to ten times. After you’ve tried this a few times, you will be able to gauge your intervals and increase your pace. via dailymail