Mother is the First Teacher and Her Role in Effective Parenting

Mother is the First Teacher and Her Role in Effective Parenting



Parenting is a team effort. There is an old African proverb that says it takes a village to raise a child. While a child is influenced and shaped by the entire society, no two individuals play a more pivotal role in this than the parents. Both mom and dad play important and differing roles in parenting. But, Mother is the first teacher of the child.



Let us not confuse “parenting” with the “responsibilities of a parent.” The “tasks” of raising a child can be divided equally and interchangeably between both parents. But parenting is much beyond these tasks. It involves promoting a child’s well-being by supporting his/her physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development.

Mother is the First Teacher and Her Role in Effective Parenting ( Urdu )


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Different Roles of a Mother

A mother has a significant impact on a child’s overall growth and well-being. Following are the six most important roles played by a mother in her child’s life:


1. The Mother is the First Teacher of a Child

The Mother is the first teacher of a child. A child is the greatest blessing of God for the parents. But along with this angel, comes the responsibility of nurturing and growing your child. This is not an easy job and requires a great amount of patience and perseverance.
Children have highly impressionable minds, and they watch and copy just about everything. Raising your happy, positive children is a shared responsibility of both the parents, but as we all know, a child ends up being with the mother more often and most part of the day owing to needs that only a mother can fulfill.

Since a mother spends the maximum time with her baby, therefore the mother is the first teacher of her child, and the kid believes in her and also follows her completely.



2. Mother as a Nurturer

No offense to the Dads out there – but mommies are slightly more important to the child’s nurturing than daddies. Mothers have an instinctive ability to be sensitive to their children. Mothers read the signs better – right from the time their baby is born.

3. Mother as a Secure Anchor

A baby starts recognizing the mother’s scent and face merely days after birth. From that moment on, the mother’s presence, her touch, and her voice is all a secure base for the child. “I want my mommy” is often the first reaction to anything that upsets the child.


This is why it is important for the mother to work on strengthening this trusted bond between herself and her child. Unreasonable anger and impatience, spanking, and public shaming are some of the ways you can lose this trust easily.

4. Mother as a Confidant

Just as easy as a mother can read her children from their expressions and body language, she can also easily talk to them about what they are going through. Mommies are more verbal than daddies, because, well, women generally talk more than men.

They are also better listeners, and children find it easy to open up to their mommies when they are troubled. Even if there are no problems brewing, mothers are always interested to know more about their children. They ask more questions and are better at getting answers.

5. Mother as an Emotional Anchor

Women and their emotions are often the butts of men’s jokes. But it is her emotional facet that helps her connect deeply with her children. A mother can easily hug a child or cry with him/her in public – something daddies tend to avoid.

Mothers can talk about their feelings with their children, and hence they are better equipped to teach the children how to deal with emotions. A mother is the one who understands the needs and moods of her child. She knows what her child wants, even when the child has not spoken much.