4 Reasons You Experience Neck Pains and Treatment




The odds of your neck acting up at some point in your life and causing you immense pain are very high. It could range from a slight soreness or be intense which makes it difficult to do menial tasks like turning your head. While neck pains rarely lead to serious problems, they can cause a lot of discomforts.



According to doctors, safe microscopic surgery can effectively repair the affected spinal cord and the cervical vertebrae to give relief to patients. Compiled from Self, here is a list of four causes that might induce neck pain and what you can do to fix them.

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Pinched nerve:

Your neck – also known as your cervical spine – is made up of several bones called the vertebrae which stack on top of each other. Each of these bones has little cushions in between them called discs. These are made up of soft centers and hard exteriors. Some people often experience a herniated disc which is when the soft part of the disc starts penetrating the hard exterior causing a tear.


Spine surgeon at the University of Cincinnati Anthony F Guanciale explains, “The disc itself bulges past its normal limits and can compress nerves leaving the spine.” This can result in pain, numbness, and a tingling sensation that can extend to your shoulder and arms. In most cases, rest, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and physical therapy can provide relief. However, in serious cases, one might have to opt for surgery.


Having a strain in your neck means that you might have stretched or torn a muscle or tendon. This can occur if you spend too much time hunched over your phone, computer or if you’ve slept at an odd angle. But it can also happen from the slightest movement such as bending under your sofa to clean some dust bunnies.



The best way to treat a strain is to relax your neck as much as you can. Ice the area for 15 to 20 minutes every two or three hours after the pain emerges. Make sure to keep your neck as still and supported as possible. If the home remedies fail to work, surgery will help repair the torn muscles and tendons.


Whiplash occurs due to forceful and fast movement of your neck, especially during a car crash, sports accident, or physical abuse. When you get whiplash, several tissues of your neck are injured which induces symptoms such as stiffness, headaches, fatigue, dizziness amongst many others. These are typically sent within 24 hours of the injury.

Usually, an ample amount of rest, applying hot or cold packs multiple times a day, over-the-counter medications, and stretching help ease the pain. However, in more severe cases, intensive treatments such as muscle relaxants or numbing injections are needed. It’s best to see a doctor if you experience neck pain after an accident rather than performing a self-diagnosis.


Underlying health conditions:

Apart from sprains and whiplashes, there are many health conditions that can trigger neck discomfort. Rheumatoid arthritis can cause inflammation of the joints which can lead to painful swelling in your neck. Even meningitis can induce inflammation around your brain and spinal cord resulting in excessive pain.

A type of cancer that destroys your bone tissue is responsible for compressing a nerve that might be near the tumor. If any of these leads to weakness in your limbs or if the pain intensifies, rush to the emergency room.