Five Super Nuts That Reduce Belly Fat and Weight Naturally

 Reduce Belly Fat and Weight Naturally



Mumbai: Losing weight is not easy. It requires dedication, patience and a break from everything yummy. But that is not to say healthy foods cannot be good to taste. On top of this list are nuts, superfoods that contain antioxidants that help keep your body fit. Nuts are rich in fibre, protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals that help burn belly fat. There are several ways to lose weight, right from hitting the gym to going for high-intensity cardio to starving.



However, the best way to lose weight is by managing a diet rather than going for a healthy diet, which is rich in protein. Interestingly, a low carb and high protein diet, not only helps lose weight naturally but is also good for improving immunity. However, for vegetarians, it becomes slightly difficult to find the right protein-rich foods, which are easy to digest and are nutritious as compared to non-vegetarians who can often find the right nutrition from meat, fish and eggs.







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Most people are unaware of a plethora of protein-rich foods like nuts and seeds, which are enriched with the right balance of nutrients and can help in losing weight and cutting down on that stubborn belly fat. So, as compiled from NDTV, here are five different types of nuts that can help you lose weight in a healthy way.


Almonds are considered one of nature’s best offerings for their protein, antioxidants and heart-healthy fats. The mono-unsaturated fats found here will prevent overeating and the dietary fibre contributes to the sensation of being full, despite you eating a small amount. In fact, they are a good source of an amino acid called L-arginine that helps you burn fat too.

Eating three to five almonds every day has been associated with greater weight loss and higher fat metabolism. The fibre and protein in these nuts are said to keep you satiated for longer and maintain your digestive health.


Walnuts are high in heart-healthy unsaturated fats that make them great for weight loss. A handful of walnuts every day could help to stimulate fat loss and promote healthy body weight. Walnuts are also known for their amazing appetite control thanks to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids, plant sterols and vitamins that help suppress hunger, further helping in weight loss.


Pistachios have a modest amount of protein. This helps keep you full for a longer time, thereby preventing you from reaching out to junk food. Moreover, the protein helps build new muscle tissues. These particular nuts also contain monounsaturated fats that have been shown to boost weight loss.

Brazil nuts:

Brazil nuts come loaded with fibre and protein, both of which are essential for losing weight. Moreover, they are also a good source of selenium, magnesium, phosphorus and thiamine, all of which are said to be helpful in weight loss. Brazil nuts also contain L-arginine, which is efficient in the fat-burning process. They also help kick-start your metabolism.

Cashew nuts:

Magnesium in cashew nuts is essential for regulating the metabolism, which may further help you lose weight. They are relatively good sources of protein too, which is key to losing weight.

While nuts are high in calories, eating the right amount daily is recommended by experts. Make a trail mix of all these five kinds and have a handful of them daily. But don’t forget to complement nuts with a healthy diet and some physical activity, though!