Weak Eyesight: Keep Your Eyes Healthy with These 10 Superfoods



Having good eyesight is important for everyday life because It allows us to see the world around us clearly, perform different tasks efficiently and enjoy our favorite activities. You also see your loved one with these eyes. However, with the increasing use of screens and exposure to pollution especially in Pakistan and India our eyes are under more strain than ever before.



Fortunately, there are many things we can do to protect and improve our eyesight. One of the most important is to eat a healthy diet rich in superfoods. Superfoods are foods that are packed with nutrients that are essential for overall health and well-being, including eye health.







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In this article, we’ll look at ten superfoods that are really good for your eyes, based on advice from eye experts.

Carrots: Great for Your Eyes

Carrots called ‘Gajjar’ in Urdu and Hindi, are a common and healthy food in India and Pakistan. They are excellent for keeping your eyes healthy. That’s because they have something called beta-carotene, which turns into Vitamin A in your body. Vitamin A is very good for your eyes health so you should eat carrots to get this vitamin naturally.

Spinach: Super Leafy Greens for Your Eyes

Spinach is like a superfood for your eyes. It’s full of things called lutein and zeaxanthin. They’re like shields that protect your eyes from harmful light. Eating spinach can really help your eyes.

Salmon: The Fish Friend for Your Eyes

Salmon is a special fish. It has something called omega-3 fatty acids, which are like super helpers for your eyes. They’re like the VIPs in your eye’s guest list.

Eggs: Eye-Supporting Protein

Eggs are like little powerhouses of goodness for your eyes. They have lutein and zeaxanthin, which are like bodyguards for your eyes. Plus, they have lots of protein, which your eyes really like.

Blueberries: Small Fruits, Big Help for Your Eyes

Blueberries might be small, but they’re big helpers for your eyes. They have things called antioxidants, especially anthocyanins. These are like magic potions that help you see better in the dark.

Almonds: Nutrient-Packed Snacks for Your Eyes

Almonds are like tiny treasure chests of good stuff for your eyes. They have Vitamin E, which is like a shield against bad things for your eyes. They also have omega-3s, which are like vitamins for your eyes.

Sweet Potatoes: Super Tubers for Your Eyes

Sweet potatoes are like superheroes for your eyes, just like carrots. Beta carotene is a plant nutrient that your body can make into vitamin A. Vitamin A is like a shield that keeps your eyes strong.

Broccoli: The Green Guardian for Your Eyes

Broccoli is like a hero from the green team. It has lutein, zeaxanthin, and Vitamin C. They’re like a dream team that keeps your eyes’ blood vessels healthy. Eating broccoli is a tasty way to help your eyes.

Oranges: Vitamin C Boost for Your Eyes

Oranges are famous for their Vitamin C. This vitamin is like a doctor for your eyes’ blood vessels. It keeps them strong and healthy. Eating an orange is a yummy way to care for your eyes.

Turkey: Lean Protein for Your Eyes

Turkey is a really good meat for your eyes. It’s full of something called zinc, which your eyes love. Zinc helps keep your retinas healthy, which is super important for good vision.


Q1: Can I get similar eye benefits from other leafy greens like kale and collard greens instead of spinach?

Yes, leafy greens like kale and collard greens also have lutein and zeaxanthin, which are good for your eyes. Eating a variety of these greens can be just as helpful as spinach.

Q2: Besides blueberries, are there other fruits that can make my eyes better?

Yes, many fruits are good for your eyes. Oranges, grapefruits, and lemons have a lot of Vitamin C, which keeps the blood vessels in your eyes healthy. Berries like strawberries and raspberries also have antioxidants that help your vision.

Q3: I’m allergic to nuts. How can I still get the benefits of Vitamin E, like from almonds?

If you’re allergic to nuts, you can try sunflower seeds or peanut butter (if you’re not allergic to peanuts). They also have Vitamin E and can be good for your eyes.

Q4: Can you have too much Vitamin A from foods like carrots and sweet potatoes?

While it’s important to have enough Vitamin A for good eyesight, having too much can be bad. It’s usually better to get Vitamin A from a balanced diet instead of supplements. If you’re worried about getting too much, it’s best to talk to a healthcare expert.

Q5: Can I use canned or frozen salmon instead of fresh salmon and still help my eyes?

Fresh salmon has a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for your eyes. Canned or frozen salmon can also help, but try to pick options with less processing and low sodium. They can be a convenient way to support your eye health.


Eating these superfoods can help you take good care of your eyes. Remember, eating well isn’t just good for your eyes, it’s good for your whole body. Make these yummy and healthy foods a part of your meals, and your eyes will thank you!