The Scandi Sense Diet: Reduce Up to 38 KG Weight with Easiest Diet Plan

London: 39-Year-old Suzy Wengel successfully becomes slim by the easiest diet plan. She is the mother-of-five and working as the CEO of a biotech company in Denmark. By the self-maid diet plan, Suzy reduced 38 kg weight in 10 months. Now, her book, “The Scandi Sense Diet,” is getting buzz in the U.S.



London: 39-Year-old Suzy Wengel successfully becomes slim with the easiest diet plan. She is the mother of five and works as the CEO of a biotech company in Denmark. By the self-maid diet plan, Suzy reduced 38 kg weight in 10 months. Now, her book, “The Scandi Sense Diet,” is getting buzz in the U.S. The Scandi Sense Diet reveals how you can easily cut calories without counting them by making each meal with four handfuls of food protein, carbs, and two vegetables.



Before her weight loss, Suzy was constantly tired, suffered from heart palpitations and allergies, and had a fungal infection under her overhanging stomach. But she spent her second pregnancy researching nutrition and realized that a simple balance of protein, vegetables, and fat is what you need to live healthily and lose weight.

Reduce Up to 38 KG Weight with Diet Plan (Urdu)






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After qualifying as a dietitian, she set about writing down everything she’d learned – devising a simple plan based on handfuls of food.

The Scandi Sense Diet:

Its creator Suzy Wengel, 39, a mother-of-five and CEO of a biotech company devised the method after a lifelong battle with her weight, tipping the scales at 15.7 stone at her heaviest.


But on her self-made diet plan, The Scandi Sense Diet she managed to lose more than six stones in 10 months and keep it off. Her method has been a huge hit in Denmark where one in 50 people have adopted it and her book, which has just been released in the UK, is set to be translated into eight languages this year.

Before her weight loss:

Suzy was constantly tired, suffered from heart palpitations and allergies, and had a fungal infection under her overhanging stomach. But she spent her second pregnancy researching nutrition and realized that a simple balance of protein, vegetables, and fat is what you need to live healthily and lose weight.

After qualifying as a dietitian, she set about writing down everything she’d learned devising a simple plan based around handfuls of food. ‘You will use the palms of your hands to measure the amount of food you should eat at each meal,’ she explained. ‘You can eat up to four handfuls of food for each meal, and if they are properly balanced you will easily feel full.’

But she spent her second pregnancy researching nutrition and realized that a simple balance of protein, vegetables, and fat is what you need to live healthily and lose weight.

After qualifying as a dietitian, she set about writing down everything she’d learned – devising a simple plan based around handfuls of food.

‘You will use the palms of your hands to measure the amount of food you should eat at each meal,’ she explained. ‘You can eat up to four handfuls of food for each meal, and if they are properly balanced you will easily feel full.’

How does The Scandi Sense Diet work?

Because the size of our hands is most often related to our build and our height, this will work out as on average 1,500 calories a day for women and for men a little more, around 2,000 calories a day.

If food is prepared according to the Scandi Sense principles, the amounts will enable you to lose on average 0.9–1.8lb (400–800g) at a measured pace per week until the goal weight is achieved. Every meal should be made up of four handfuls of food. (read more at daily mail)