Drooling in Sleep: Why Drooling Saliva in Your Sleep is a Good Sign for Your Health

Drooling in Sleep



London: Drooling is a process of excess saliva that comes out of a person’s mouth, especially while sleeping. It can be a sign of a developing disease or some malfunction taking place in the body. When we sleep our facial muscles, as well as our swallowing reflexes, are totally relaxed.



Since saliva accumulates in the mouth while we sleep, it can slowly start dripping because the relaxed facial muscles may lead to a slightly open mouth. The main reason for drooling is a blocked nose, as it makes a person breathe through their mouth and may lead to drooling. Ways to overcome sinuses.

Drooling in Sleep Good Sign for Your Health (Urdu)





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In general, it is not necessary to treat drooling in sleep in isolation. If it occurs rarely, it may be annoying, but does not require treatment. It won’t lead to dehydration, infection, or other problems. It may be helpful to treat nasal congestion if this is present.

If other symptoms of sleep apnea are present, evaluation for this condition may help with nighttime breathing and drooling. When secondary to other medical conditions that impair swallowing, prescription medications such as atropine drops or scopolamine patches are sometimes used.

Reasons for Drooling:

The body normally produces more than a liter of saliva per day. It is produced by salivary glands and is usually swallowed and re-circulated via the bloodstream. Drooling occurs when the saliva collects within the mouth and rather than being swallowed, it drips or runs out past the lips. Why might this occur more at night?

Open Mouth

The muscles of the body relax during sleep, especially during REM sleep. It’s possible that your mouth is falling open as you sleep. Some suggest that sleep position may matter. Sleeping on your side may make it more likely that you will leak saliva.

Nasal Congestion

One of the biggest reasons your mouth could open during sleep is that you can’t breathe well through your nose. If you’re congested because of a cold or allergies, you may begin to breathe through your mouth. If this occurs in sleep, saliva may drool onto the pillow.

A deviated nasal septum can also be to blame. If the thin wall between your nasal passage is detached, it can block your airway. You may tend to breathe through your mouth. As a result, you may snore or develop sleep apnea. Both of these conditions could cause nighttime mouth breathing.1

Excessive Salivation

Some people produce excess saliva, a condition called sialorrhea. Sialorrhea can be caused by certain medications. It can also happen as a result of a brain injury, stroke, Parkinson’s disease, or another neurological condition. These conditions can make it harder to swallow. If you have a hard time swallowing, you may drool during the day, too. Excess saliva can also be related to gastroesophageal reflux disease or heartburn at night.