Why Hair Starts to Go Gray: Six Hair Myths People Grew Up Believing

Why Hair Starts to Go Gray



Islamabad: Although the thought of ageing and going grey may be daunting, an expert at Baylor College of Medicine says there are several factors that play a role in developing grey hair. “Hair can go grey for several different reasons,” said Rajani Katta, MD, clinical assistant professor of medicine at Baylor.”



The primary reason is genetics, and a lot of it depends on what age your parents went grey.” Ethnic background also is a factor in going grey, Katta said. Individuals who are Caucasian tend to go grey in their mid-30s, Asians often begin to grow grey hair in their late 30s and African-Americans normally develop grey in their early to mid-40s.

Solution For Grey Hair

Six Hair Myths People Grew Up Believing

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Physical and emotional stress to the body is another cause of developing grey hair.”People who are smokers have a higher risk of turning grey at an earlier age. There have also been studies that link things that cause stress to our body to premature greying, and that includes emotional stress and even pollution and ultraviolet light,” she said. Medical conditions also have been linked to the greying of the hair.


Six Hair Myths People Grew Up Believing

Pluck one grey hair, expect two more to grow back in its place. Pregnant women should not colour their hair. These are some of the common myths people believe in, says an expert. Suruchi Puri, Consultant Dermatologist and Director at Medi Makeover, has shared a list of myths attached with hair:

If you pluck one grey hair, two will grow back in its place:

One grey strand usually means more grey hair. This myth probably started because people plucked one grey hair, then noticed more afterwards. You can’t blame the plucking itself. Instead, it’s time to enjoy the natural colour on your head.



You can’t dye your hair when you are pregnant:

The main concern with dyeing your hair during pregnancy is the risk associated with inhaling ammonia. You can do some research for ammonia-free products and go for it. There are homemade solutions too. Henna has no added chemicals and is safe to use.

Using the right luxury products will make your hair thicker:

Most people think healthy looking hair is all about specific weather, costly products and styling. Your body needs a lot of energy, a healthy diet, nutrients, carbohydrates and protein to grow hair. Products are required to do good cleansing and provide external moisture.

Washing your hair with beer will make it softer:

People believe that the malt and yeast in the beer are supposed to react well with the hair proteins, keeping it strong, shiny and bouncy. Unfortunately, the cons outweigh the pros. Alcohol dries out your hair more than the proteins repairing it. Your regular shampoo can work better and be safer.


Shampoo first, conditioner second:

Conditioning before you shampoo your hair is great for adding nourishment to fine hair without weighing it down. Also in this reverse process, the conditioner acts as a shield between your hair and shampoo and it helps so that your hair gets clean without being stripped off of all of its natural oils.

Cutting your hair frequently makes it grow faster:

A healthy scalp is all you need for growing your hair well. Trimming every eight to nine weeks can help to get rid of split ends.