Women Hygiene and Personal Health Issues Relating to Female Health




“The age from 10 years to 19 years is very sensitive in connection with female health as girls enter adulthood during this period, and there is a need for counseling for young girls during this specific period. There is a dire need that girls care about their health during the growing period, and for their cleanliness, they should use Pyodine gel and Pyodine to avoid skin diseases.”



“The ratio of breast cancer is increasing in females due to lack of awareness among females about their health, and there is a need that awareness should be given to young girls about their health. There are various taboos in society for young girls while talking about their personal physical health, and the tragedy is that these taboos still exist in this modern era,” said speakers at an awareness seminar.







The seminar on female health and hygiene was held at the Bahria University, Lahore campus, in which a large number of girl students and faculty members participated. The seminar was organized in collaboration with the Express Media Group, the Metier Groupe, and the administration of the Bahria University.


Dr. Sameera Rana, the consultant gynecologist of the Railway Cairns Hospital, delivered a lecture on women’s hygiene and discussed various personal health issues relating to female health.

Commodore (retd.) Naveed Anwer Cheema, Director of Bahria University, Head of Psychology Department, Dr. Urooj Saddiq, and Nabeel Ahmed Khan, Senior Product Manager at the Metier Groupe were also present on this occasion.



Talking about female hygiene was considered by society to be a taboo, but there was a need to give girls the confidence to talk about their health, said Dr. Sameera Rana. She said that the age between 10 and 19 years was very important. During this important period, changes occurred in girls’ bodies and also in their thoughts.

Girls needed counseling during the growth period, and there was a need that girls spoke with their mothers during this age, said Dr. Sameera Rana. The ratio of breast cancer was increasing due to a lack of awareness among females about their health.

There was a dire need for girls to care about their health during adulthood and they should especially care about their diet. Girls should focus on eating fruits and vegetables and they should exercise on a daily basis.


It was also the duty of the mothers and teachers to give awareness to girls about their physical health. Today’s girls were the future mothers, and it was the responsibility of mothers and teachers to care about girls, said Dr. Sameera Rana. Dr. Sameera Rana also answered girl students’ questions about their health and also told them they should not use a pad for more than four hours, otherwise, they can suffer from skin disease.