Upset Tummy and Gastric Problems: 4 Foods to Ease an Upset Stomach

Upset Tummy and Gastric Problems



London: The digestive system breaks down the food you eat, allowing your body to absorb the energy and nutrients it contains. If you have encountered a stomach upset, as most people have, you know that it can be a cause of great discomfort. It can leave you feeling weak and nauseous while causing symptoms such as diarrhea, indigestion, excessive gas or bloating, and vomiting.



Some problems with the digestive system can be triggered by what you eat eg if you aren’t getting enough fiber or probiotics in your diet. This is why it’s important to eat plenty of the foods that are good for your digestive system and avoid those that are bad for it. The good news is that you can control these symptoms by controlling your diet until your stomach upset passes.

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Here’s a list of foods that you should eat and those you should avoid while treating a case of stomach upset or food poisoning.


What You Should Eat?


There’s a purpose behind bananas being the recommended energy booster for marathon runners: bananas are easily digestible and generally do not upset the stomach. The universal family staple contains potassium, which you may need if you’re dehydrated from vomiting or diarrhea, says Robynne Chutkan, an assistant professor in the division of gastroenterology at Georgetown University Hospital, Washington DC.

They also contain sugar so you get calories at a time when you’re probably not eating much. The fruit is scientifically proven to aid with stomach issues since they contain pectin, which helps to naturally firm bowel movements.




Yet, another reason to love the Papeete. Consuming this enzyme-vitamin-heavy weight helps encourage healthy digestion, eases painful indigestion and heartburn (that results in aches and cramps), and also alleviates constipation.

The magic is in the enzymes papain and chymopapain, which help break down proteins and soothe the stomach by promoting a healthy acidic environment. Since papayas are chock-full of fiber, make sure to not go overboard and stick to a small portion per day, until you feel better.

White rice:

Good old chawal, along with other starchy foods such as potatoes and oats, helps coat the lining of the stomach, enabling efficient digestion and having an overall soothing effect, says Dr. Chutkan. Starchy foods also don’t sit in the stomach for long periods of time, nor do they stimulate acid reflux.


It can make you feel even worse, says Amit Bhan, service chief of gastroenterology at Henry Ford Health System, in West Bloomfield, Michigan. Besides not putting added stress on an already sensitive digestive system, boiled white rice will help ease diarrhea by absorbing fluids and adding bulk to your stool.


Numerous studies have proven this desi staple to work exceptionally well as an anti-nausea remedy whilst improving overall digestive health. If you do decide to take ginger, don’t overdo it on the first go. The recommended limit is four grams of ginger daily, which comes up to about a couple of slivers of the spice. You can also opt to chew on a piece of fresh ginger or steep fresh ginger in hot water for a soothing cup of adrak ki chai.

What You Should Not Eat?

Dairy products like Milk, Cheese or Ice-cream:

Milk, cheese, and ice cream are hard for your body to digest as they are high in fat. They should thus be avoided during a stomach upset. Plain low-fat yogurt can, however, be good for your stomach health. Yogurt is rich in probiotics or good bacteria and yeasts that help maintain good gut health. Having a little yogurt during a stomach upset may help relieve diarrhea.

Raw Fruits and Vegetables:

While raw fruits and vegetables are great for health otherwise, when consumed on an upset stomach they can worsen diarrhea. This is because they are high-fiber foods. It is advisable to keep away from them temporarily until the stomach upset passes.