Do You Drool While Sleeping? Check Out These Ways to Stop It

Do You Drool While Sleeping



London: Do you drool while sleeping? You’re not alone. Most of us drool once in a while, especially during sleeping. It is fairly common to experience this problem. Since our swallowing reflexes are relaxed when our body is at rest, it leads to the accumulation of saliva in our mouth and some of that saliva might seep through the sides. Drooling in your sleep is something most people feel embarrassed to talk about.



It is common in babies because they don’t have full control over their mouths, but it does happen to adults too. Most of the time it doesn’t stem from anything serious; however, in some cases, it can be a result of a neurological condition, sleep disorder, or a health condition. For those trying to stop drooling, here are some methods you can do, depending on its cause.

Why You Drool by Dr. Sharafat Ali

Home Remedy for Fatty Liver and Hepatitis



Why Drooling Saliva in Your Sleep is a Good Sign for Your Health



Sleep Position:

Sleeping on the side or on the stomach is two of the most common causes of drooling. According to experts, drooling has a lot to do with gravity. So, a quick fix would be sleeping on your back.


Treatment for allergies and sinus problems

When you have blocked sinuses and allergies, it can lead to nasal congestion which can cause you to breathe through the mouth, which leads to more saliva escaping through your mouth. Taking prescribed medication may help you with the condition.

You can also take steam before going to sleep to open the clogged nose to prevent drooling.



Home Remedies

Staying hydrated throughout the day and munching on a lemon wedge can help get rid of drooling.

CPAP Machine for Sleep Apnea

If you suffer from sleep apnea, your doctor may recommend a treatment called a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine. It might help you get a deeper sleep and help you with proper breathing. Talk to your specialist to get rid of the condition.

Botox Injections

This is one of the extreme treatments for preventing drooling. It is only done when a person suffers from a neurological disorder, according to Medical News Today.