How to Use Cumin Seeds for Fast Weight Loss




Mumbai: Cumin, also known as jeera, is a spice that is used in our dishes to enhance the taste. It has an earthy and warm flavour. But, do you know that it can also help you with weight loss? Yes, that’s true! Cumin has the ability to speed up your weight loss process. Along with that it also has many other health benefits, which is why it has been used in traditional medicines for so many years now.



Studies show that consumption of cumin regularly has various types of benefits for the health. Cumin as an ingredient stimulates the fat burning process in the body. When fat burns, the unwanted flab tends to melt away making you look, fitter. You must toss away all the aerated drinks and sweetened drinks and replace them with cumin water to lose weight efficiently. Watch the following video of weight loss by basil seeds.

Basil Seeds for Fast Weight Loss

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Health benefits of cumin

1. Cumin can aid your digestion by increasing the activity of the digestive enzymes in your gut.

2. Cumin seeds are rich in iron and one teaspoon of it can contain about 1.4 mg of iron.



3. Cumin can help you in managing your diabetes. 4. Cumin can be used to remove the bad cholesterols from the body.

5. Eating cumin seeds can help in reducing inflammation in the body.

6. Lastly, cumin seeds are beneficial for fat reduction and weight loss.


Cumin and weight loss

Cumin can be used for weight loss as it is an effective weight loss remedy. You can lose fat from your belly as well as your whole body within just 15-20 days by eating cumin seeds or drinking cumin water daily. Previously, a study was held in which 80 obese women were divided into two groups: ‘cumin group’ and ‘diet control group’.

The cumin group were asked to consume cumin on a daily basis and the other group was asked to control their diet. In the end, it was found out that women who had cumin had lost a significant amount of weight as compared to others.

Cumin can help in burning calories faster by increasing the speed of metabolism and improving digestion. When you have a healthy digestive system and faster metabolism, you will automatically lose weight. So, how can you use cumin for weight loss?

How to use cumin for weight loss

There are many ways in which you can use cumin for weight loss. Some are mentioned below:

1. Cumin seeds

Soak 2 tablespoons of cumin seeds in water for 5-6 hours or overnight. Then, boil the seeds in the morning and filter the drink. Now, add lemon juice to it and drink it on an empty stomach for 2 weeks.

2. Cumin powder and yoghurt

Mix one teaspoon of cumin powder with one teaspoon of yoghurt and have it after your meals for 15 days.

3. Cumin powder

Boil one cup of water and add cumin powder to it. You can also add a little salt to make the drink taste better. Drink this after your meals every day for 20 days. I Hope, these remedies work for you! Thank you for reading. Do share this article with your friends and family members who are trying to lose weight. via timesofindia