How to Clean Bathroom Tiles Easily Like a Pro? Professional Cleaner Reveals

How to Clean Bathroom Tiles Easily



London: A professional cleaner has revealed her secret to achieving a sparkling clean shower every time – showing incredible before and after shots of a bathroom that hadn’t been scrubbed for seven months. The mum posted the pictures on a Facebook cleaning group, revealing the incredible transformation took two hours.



She used calcium limescale and rust remover on the tiles and screen first before using dishwashing detergent to add some extra shine. Usually, the cleaner would just use dishwashing liquid, but the calcium build-up on the filthy bathroom screen was so thick she needed the CLR as well. And people were impressed by the end result.

Clean Bathroom Tiles Easily Like a Pro

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‘This is so satisfying to look at,’ one woman said, while others labeled the effort as ‘brilliant. ‘This isn’t an easy thing to do, you definitely deserve credit, well done,’ added another. Others asked why the job took two hours, claiming they could have done it in less than half the time.


‘I did take my time on this job and also cleaned half the oven while I was cleaning the shower as I was in no rush to get it done in a time frame. While some predicted the bathroom hadn’t been cleaned for longer than seven months.

‘I just don’t understand how people think it is okay to shower in that, makes me sick just looking at it,’ one woman wrote on the post. The woman explained the couple who owned the home were going through a separation – which is why the bathroom hadn’t been cleaned.



‘There are so many judgmental people out there. Is the shower dirty? Yeah, it is but this post clearly states that they went through a separation, who knows what happened? Severe depression can be debilitating to people,’ one woman said, defending the homeowners.

The cleaner said she also used bleach to help brighten up the grout in the bathroom. The woman also added she ‘can’t wait to get back into cleaning’ after being in lockdown for six weeks.

Another unbeatable tool for cleaning the bathroom is steam.

If you have a steam appliance, go over the surface and the grouting with a steam jet before traditional cleaning, and you will be assured an impeccable result and a deep-down sanitizing action.


How to clean bathroom tiles?

As ceramics are ecological – of natural origin and completely recyclable – we prefer natural remedies that are compatible with the environment; however, using chemical detergents or aggressive products will not alter or stain the ceramics, and their beauty will remain intact over time.

Ceramics are also non-allergenic, hygienic and resistant, safe and versatile, and so virtuous that it will be a pleasure to clean them! They don’t hold in the dirt or bacteria, they don’t give off substances, and this is why they are the ideal material for kitchen furnishings too… even where your children may be crawling!